Bass, guitar, vocals
Tom has been playing music all his life, both solo and in bands. His natural musical abilities add depth and uniqueness to the group.
Whether singing lead vocals or harmony, Tom brings songs to life.
Keyboards, percussion, vocals.
Does anyone love music more than Rose?
Rose has been playing piano/organ for over 40 years, and is the choir director for her church. Her unique vocals add solid harmonies to the songs
Kristie has an incredible "ear" for music. She understands things like tempo and harmony and dynamics. She can be our sharpest critic and our biggest fan. She is also a tireless promoter and keeps us busy doing what we love doing...
making music!
The Manager
Kristie Cyr
Roger has been keeping the beat for bands his entire life. His technical skills and great timing have brought a whole new dimension to our music. And his witty sense of humor keeps everybody laughing.
Guitar, vocals, bass, percussion.
Dick has been involved in music all his life...playing solo, in bands, church choirs and organizing
talent shows for kids.
His passion for music is evident in his vocals, and to him..."it's all about the music".
Roger Limmer